Saw Palmetto: The Natural Rogaine?

Saw Palmetto: The Natural Rogaine?

Hair loss, occurring both in men and women, can be more devastating for the sufferer than first imagined. Lowered self-esteem, a loss of confidence, depression and anxiety are symptoms that can all be conducive of balding. It is something which occurs in so many of us, and can usually be attributed to the ageing process of the human body. This is acceptable to some extent, although, given the opportunity I’m sure most sufferers would relish the chance to put a stop to, or even reverse the balding. Of course, hair loss can be treated, it can be controlled and the battle against follicular thinning can indeed be won. As we seek to avoid potentially harmful, manufactured medicines to treat our ailments, more and more of us are turning to herbal remedies which often have the same, if not better, desired effect.

Saw Palmetto: The Natural Rogaine?Saw palmetto is a plant of which the berries that grow on it have been used by Native Americans for hundreds of years to treat all manner of medical conditions. It has been used to treat anything from an enlarged prostate to bladder infections and, increasingly, to treat hair loss. Many people have used saw palmetto berry remedies to not only stop hair loss, but even to regrow that which they have lost. How is this possible? Because saw palmetto berries can block the enzyme which converts testosterone into the DHT molecule (which is how hair loss occurs in both men and women), effectively blocking the negative process and preventing the hair from shedding. Saw palmetto has similar components to the synthetic ones you will find in manufactured prescription hair loss medication, which is why many prefer it as a natural means of treating their balding.

Saw Palmetto: The Natural Rogaine?In terms of availability, saw palmetto comes in various forms, which allows the patient the luxury of choice when it comes to deciding how to take it and what is best for them. These forms include dried berries, tablets, liquid extracts and powdered capsules. Of these, the tablets and capsules are the easiest to source, and it is these forms that have been researched most widely and therefore are perhaps the most effective. Of course, you may experience adverse side effects from taking doses of saw palmetto, which could include thinning of the blood. As such, you should always consult your doctor before taking saw palmetto. You should generally avoid taking saw palmetto alongside other hair loss medication such as finasteride as the two remedies will not work amicably along side one another.

A twice a day supplement, however, could indeed improve the condition of the patient dramatically. Like all new medication, caution should be exercised, and any discomfort, such as stomach irritation and headaches should balance out as you get used to the medication, but should they persist then you should consult your doctor so as to avoid complications. Saw palmetto could well be the secret weapon in your battle to stop, prevent, and beat your hair loss.

Hair & Nail Supplements

Hair & Nail Supplements

In ancient Greece, it was thought that the physical beauty with which people were blessed was a sign from the cosmos. The ancient Greeks believed that how beautiful you were was determined by your own harmony with the universe. They may have been on to something, as science today attributes health and nutrition to beauty. If you take care of your body, nourishing it to the fullest with the right nutrients and lifestyle, you will have healthy and beautiful physical attributes. This includes your skin, your nail and even your hair.

Tips For Healthy Nails and HairTips For Healthy Nails and Hair

In order to optimize the health of your nails and hair, a variety of nutrients may be consumed for sufficient nourishment. You need to have the required amount of minerals, protein, vitamins, complex carbohydrates and essential fatty acids, along with plenty of water, to nourish your body properly. Not meeting the dietary requirements or suffering from a condition that prevents your body from absorbing these will result in a deficiency in any of these nutrients. The result of this deficiency are unhealthy nails and hair.

  1. Silica

Silica happens to be aptly known as the mineral of beauty as it plays a crucial part in beauty. It effectiveness targets both growth and strength, as it increases the growth of your hair and nails, while aiding in the absorption of minerals and calcium.

The need of Silica

Silica is one of the more abundant element, coming in second after oxygen, on earth. 7 grams of it are present in your body naturally, as its required for your overall health – specifically for good skin and strong bones and muscle tissues, as it helps in the production of collagen.

Combined with vitamin C, silica maintains your skin’s moisture through the compound mucopolysaccharides. It helps form your connective tissues by working with collagen, elastin and carbohydrates.

As it strengthens your bones, this includes your teeth. It helps harden the enamel, which in turn prevents weak gums. Therefore, silica plays a vital part in your immune system.

Scientific studies

An experiment was conducted to determine if taking 10 mg of bioavailable silica had a positive effect on hair and nails. In a randomized group of women who suffered sun damage, some were given placebo treatment while others were not. Their nail and skin health were measured periodically in the span of the study. After 20 weeks, it was found that the women who were not taking the placebo had in fact improved the condition of their skin, hair and nails.

Another study focused on how silica effects hair. A group of 48 women was given the same dosage as above during a period of nine months. All of these women had fine hair. In the final phase, their hair was thicker and the study concluded that it was due to an increase in elasticity and strength as a result of the silica supplements.

Tips For Healthy Nails and HairWhy we need Silica?

As people age, especially women, the lower levels of estrogen results in less absorption of silica into our systems. Therefore, with age, silica levels inside our bodies decline.

Silica is not commonly present in food – and if it is, it’s minimal. The most cited source of silica can be found in the outer layers of food, which is often removed when it is processed. Rice, for example, has a natural amount of silica but when it is refined and polished during production, it loses its nutritional value – at least in the form of silica. As the modern world has shifted towards consuming more mass produced food, people have simultaneously decreased their consumption of silica. As a result of which, people have much less silica now than they did previously.

Nonetheless, silica can be found in a variety of food items. Fruits, including apples, oranges, cucumbers and cherries, as well as vegetables such as onions, carrots, endives, eggplants, pumpkin, raw cabbage, celery, red beets have silica in them. Other food items which contain silica include raisins, almonds, peanuts, honey, corn, and fish. The best source however, lies in the amount of whole grain consumed – although absorbing it from food has been proven to be a difficult task.

Hair & Nail SupplementsNot having enough silica in your diet leads to premature wrinkle, weak nails, hair loss and weak bones. The biggest warning sign that you aren’t having enough is when you feel cold very easily, even on a summer day as people with silica deficiencies suffer from an increased sensitivity to cold.

  1. Biotin

One of the parts of complex B vitamin, biotin is also an important enzyme that plays an important role in various important reactions that take place inside your body. Without biotin, the body would not be able to make its own and utilize both amino and fatty acids. Biotin is also important for the body to make use of carbohydrates, pantothenic, folic acid and vitamin B.

Studies conducted show that biotin, also called the hair vitamin, is a useful supplement to take for hair and nail care as it has restorative properties that prevent dry, brittle nails and it promotes hair growth.

What Need To Know About Tea Tree Oil & Hair

What You Need To Know About Tea Tree Oil And Your Hair

Tea tree oil, apart from being beneficial to your skin, can also be used as part of your hair care regimen to treat hair loss. However, before using tea tree oil to treat you hair, you should consult with a physician. Tea tree oil is good for your hair because it has the ability to clear up any clogged follicles by removing dead skin and it protects your hair from dandruff and any fungal or bacteria growth.

What You Need To Know About Tea Tree Oil And Your HairYour Scalp

Dandruff and a condition called seborrheic dermatitis can cause problems for your scalp, resulting in dry, itchy skin. Overtime, this leads to a buildup of dead skin on the scalp that encourages hair loss. The use of a tea tree oil shampoo is considered a successful treatment based on scientific research. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties. This aids in healing your scalp from any microorganisms that have come in contact with your skin. However, while using tea tree oil shampoo minimizes a flaky scalp, there needs to be more research to conclude how efficient this is in the long run.

Scalp and Hair Health

Putting aside the possibility of having a conditioned scalp, hair that is not properly cared for may still lead to hair loss due to lack of nourishment. Many people unknowingly use products on their hair that lead to damage in the long run, such as chemical laden shampoos or extensive exposure to heat as a result of styling. The long-term effect of this results in extensive damage to your hair, because when hair lacks the sufficient moisture, it increases the occurrence of splits ends and brittleness. Tea tree to be used to prevent the buildup of residual product on your scalp and follicles, which will in turn encourage hair growth on your scalp. It adds moisture to your hair, while simultaneously inhibiting any excess oil from building up that may result in clogged follicles.

What You Need To Know About Tea Tree Oil And Your HairApplication and Dosage

Depending on your preferences, there are various application methods for using tea tree oil on your hair. Do keep in mind that different applications may suit different individuals. For sensitive skin that is prone to irritations, it’s recommended to use a diluted mixture of tea tree oil. Mix it with another oil that is bland, such as almond oil. Use a ratio of one to ten and then apply. Many commercial shampoos may include a certain amount of tea tree oil in their ingredients, ranging from five to ten percent. Make use of these examples to treat your hair with tea tree oil. But do bear in mind that following the directions as provided by a doctor or health care specialist is crucial.

Additional Considerations

People who experience hair loss as a result of autoimmune conditions will have to look into the required treatments. Tea tree oil cannot be successful for such conditions, or in cases of hair loss due to aging or genetics. It should kept in mind that if you experience a severe cases of dandruff or any other scalp condition, you ought to discuss treating your hair loss problems with tea tree oil with your doctor. Furthermore, remember that tea tree oil may not suit you. If your skin reacts in any negative way, by getting irritated or with a rash, stop the treatment immediately.

Beard Growth

What You Need To Know About Growing Beards

Growing a beard has evolved from being the look of a caveman into a current fashion trend that is likely to last for some time. Everyone seems to have one or want one as people are donning beards left, right and center. Some people are blessed with facial hair that grows exactly the way they want it to while the less fortunate struggle to get that caveman look.

For this reason, it’s important to know what challenges are faced by beard growers – and that if they can’t seem to grow a glorious beard, it has more to do with genetics than any other aspects.

What You Need To Know About Growing BeardsThe Testosterone Myth

The first question that pops to mind when a man can’t grow his masculine beard is, is if it’s linked to their male hormones. Testosterone is categorized as a male sex hormone, and not having enough of it leads to more worrying problems than being able to grow a beard.

Low levels of testosterone can be linked to decreased muscle mass, the development of breast tissue, erectile dysfunction, and infertility. So unless you are suffering from those symptoms, chances are taking a supplement for hormone therapy will not help you grow a beard.

Skin Conditions That Inhibit Hair Growth

People who suffer from certain conditions that affect their skin experience the side of effects of not being able to grow hair. Alopecia, which causes balding or hair loss is one example.

Another is hypothyroidism, which is characterized by an underactive thyroid that results in thin hair that grows slowly – though this is a condition that is common amongst women over the age of 50. Anemia, an iron deficiency, can also lead to the thinning of hair or hair loss.

In the instance that you are suffering from a skin condition which is affecting your hair growth, it’s recommended to pay a visit to a dermatologist which may or may not help you grow a beard.

Genetics, For Better Or Worse

Chances are, if your father or his father had problems growing facial hair, you are likely to experience something similar. In these cases, it really is a matter of genetics and there isn’t anything that can be done about it.

Unless you’re willing to go through the procedure and expenditure of beard implants – which seems to be a severe course of action for a relatively simple thing – you may have to live with beardless face.

What You Need To Know About Growing BeardsCan You Take Supplements?

In light of the recent demand for beards, coupled with an unfortunate few who can’t seem to grow them, a range of supplements and creams that claim to increase beard growth have become available.

Such products guarantee thicker and fuller beard but have little credibility from the perspective of science. These products may pledge to make your beard grow by providing nutrients such as vitamin C, biotin and vitamin A which stimulate hair growth.

It would be more practical to make use of daily vitamins that fall prey to the marketing gimmick that promises hair growth that targets your facial area.

Things You Can Do

There’s a minor chance that being incapable of growing a beard is linked to lack of care on your part, and there are a few things you could do to grow your beard and become your modern-day caveman lookalike that may help. Bear in mind that following these may not necessarily grant you beard of your dreams, but there’s no harm in trying.

Looking after yourself in body, mind and spirit is crucial to being healthy. Opt for a lifestyle that reduced stress, encourages healthy eating, resting enough, not smoking and taking care of your skin and perhaps you’ll get lucky.

If nothing else, being healthy may just even out those awkward peach fuzz patch work. And if all else fails, remember that nothing lasts forever, not even the love of beards in the fashion world.

Coconut Oil For Hair

Treating Hair Loss With Coconut Oil

The scent of coconut reminds many people of tropical beaches and tropical drinks. Coconuts are a very versatile fruit and each of their parts can but used to make different products. For example, when the meat is scraped from the shell of the coconut and then pressed, it produces coconut oil. Coconut oil is a multi-purpose product that has been raved about as a treatment for many different illnesses from acne to indigestion. The beauty industry has taken hold of the possible benefits of coconut oil and has started reporting that there is a viable link between strong, healthy hair and coconut oil. However, there is little evidence to support this claim.Treating Hair Loss With Coconut Oil

In brief, coconut oil will not help you grow new hair and there are not yet any credible studies that prove this claim. One scientists has gone on the record to say that if coconut oil really did stimulate hair growth, people who use coconut oil for tanning would see excessive hair growth anywhere that they continually put coconut oil onto their skin. Should coconut oil work like hair regrowth treatments, people would certainly see hair growth, but maybe not from their heads.

Even if coconut oil turns out to be a disappointment in this circumstance, There is still hope from several new products that are going through a rigorous testing phase by the FDA. So far, only two different drugs are recommended or approved by the FDA to help regrow lost hair. they are Rogaine and Propecia.

Treating Hair Loss With Coconut OilRogaine is ideal for men who are under 40 years of age who are suffering from a receding hairline but are not yet completely bald. It is also used by patients who lost their hair because of illnesses or treatments like chemotherapy. Rogaine is applied topically. Propecia is a pill that works against a hormone which is known to cause hair loss and it is only available for men.

Just because coconut oil may not deliver you from future hair loss does not meant that its value as a beauty tool is diminished. Coconut oil is full of a saturated type of fat call lauric acid. Lauric acid is a fat that is also produced naturally by our bodies and some studies have shown that it have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties that provide many benefits to the skin.

Coconut oil has proven to be an excellent moisturizer. In addition to smelling like a beach vacation, it is safe to use on the skin. Because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, it is also a successful treatment to acne and may be offered as an alternative treatment to antibiotics. Its moisturizing properties also help to sooth psoriasis and eczema as well as help to prevent serious infections that often come along with these skin diseases.