What Need To Know About Tea Tree Oil & Hair

What You Need To Know About Tea Tree Oil And Your Hair

Tea tree oil, apart from being beneficial to your skin, can also be used as part of your hair care regimen to treat hair loss. However, before using tea tree oil to treat you hair, you should consult with a physician. Tea tree oil is good for your hair because it has the ability to clear up any clogged follicles by removing dead skin and it protects your hair from dandruff and any fungal or bacteria growth.

What You Need To Know About Tea Tree Oil And Your HairYour Scalp

Dandruff and a condition called seborrheic dermatitis can cause problems for your scalp, resulting in dry, itchy skin. Overtime, this leads to a buildup of dead skin on the scalp that encourages hair loss. The use of a tea tree oil shampoo is considered a successful treatment based on scientific research. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties. This aids in healing your scalp from any microorganisms that have come in contact with your skin. However, while using tea tree oil shampoo minimizes a flaky scalp, there needs to be more research to conclude how efficient this is in the long run.

Scalp and Hair Health

Putting aside the possibility of having a conditioned scalp, hair that is not properly cared for may still lead to hair loss due to lack of nourishment. Many people unknowingly use products on their hair that lead to damage in the long run, such as chemical laden shampoos or extensive exposure to heat as a result of styling. The long-term effect of this results in extensive damage to your hair, because when hair lacks the sufficient moisture, it increases the occurrence of splits ends and brittleness. Tea tree to be used to prevent the buildup of residual product on your scalp and follicles, which will in turn encourage hair growth on your scalp. It adds moisture to your hair, while simultaneously inhibiting any excess oil from building up that may result in clogged follicles.

What You Need To Know About Tea Tree Oil And Your HairApplication and Dosage

Depending on your preferences, there are various application methods for using tea tree oil on your hair. Do keep in mind that different applications may suit different individuals. For sensitive skin that is prone to irritations, it’s recommended to use a diluted mixture of tea tree oil. Mix it with another oil that is bland, such as almond oil. Use a ratio of one to ten and then apply. Many commercial shampoos may include a certain amount of tea tree oil in their ingredients, ranging from five to ten percent. Make use of these examples to treat your hair with tea tree oil. But do bear in mind that following the directions as provided by a doctor or health care specialist is crucial.

Additional Considerations

People who experience hair loss as a result of autoimmune conditions will have to look into the required treatments. Tea tree oil cannot be successful for such conditions, or in cases of hair loss due to aging or genetics. It should kept in mind that if you experience a severe cases of dandruff or any other scalp condition, you ought to discuss treating your hair loss problems with tea tree oil with your doctor. Furthermore, remember that tea tree oil may not suit you. If your skin reacts in any negative way, by getting irritated or with a rash, stop the treatment immediately.

How To Make Homemade Shampoos For Hair Growth

How To Make Homemade Shampoos For Hair Growth

Losing hair is a natural process that takes place as people age. However, herbs have healing properties that can be used to help nurture hair to keep it healthy and strong. The use of homemade shampoos, made of natural ingredients, offers certain advantages for hair care that factory produced shampoos don’t. Using a naturally made product has the advantage of being chemical free, making it less hazardous to healthy hair in the long run compared to commercial products.

How To Make Homemade Shampoos For Hair GrowthNaturally Made Shampoos

Shampoos that have been made at home don’t put a burden on your wallet and are fairly easy to make. In the beginning, soaps are used as a base, after which the other parts are added. To make sure the shampoo cleans your scalp, a mild cleansing soap is recommended to help remove oils. A clean scalp paves the way for nice and healthy growth of hair. Try to avoid using soaps that have petroleum products listed as its base or ones that have listed ingredient that contain chemicals such as cetearyl alcohol, distearate, methylparaben, paraben, propylene glycol, propylparaben, glycol or polyoxyethylene. Exposing your hair to such chemicals leads to more damage.

Herbs for Hair Growth: Essential Oils

There are various natural remedies that are known to enhance hair growth, and by far the most effective method is the use of herbal tincture or essential oils, the most concentrated form of herbs. Both of these are highly concentrated liquid forms of herbs and only one teaspoon is needed to be added to the base. Make sure that its alcohol free.

Herbal Tinctures for Hair Growth

Tinctures are basically liquid extracts from herbs. They can be homemade in a process that is as simple as making a cup of tea. In order to extract concentrated liquid from an herb, use 3 teaspoons of herbs mixed in 6 ounces of water and brew it as you would to make tea. However, before you strain the herbs, let the mixture rest for 15 minutes in order for the solution to become concentrated. At the end, simply add some tincture into your soap base, using a one to two ratio.How To Make Homemade Shampoos For Hair Growth

Nettles Used to Grow Hair

Nettles are an ideal plant that can be made into a tincture to be used in your homemade shampoo. They are available during summer and spring and can be used fresh in order to enhance hair growth. During other seasons, it’s also available in its dried form.

Rosemary Grows Hair

For a very long time, the people have made of us rosemary as an ingredient in hair tonics. Apart from its fragrant smell, it stimulates follicles to grow, thereby making hair growth faster.

Rosemary is available fresh during its peak season in the summer, but is also available in dried form during the rest of the year. Using a rosemary tincture in your shampoo will help to make your hair stronger at the roots, as it targets your follicles.

Shampoo Storage

Glass is an ideal vessel for keeping the shampoo, as it does not interfere with the herbal elements you’ve incorporated. However, glass is rather unpractical to store in the shower area. For this reason, it’s recommended that you refrigerate it in a jar made of glass so that it’s preserved for a long time. Fill a small plastic bottle with it in the bathroom for when you shower, which can be refilled as needed.

Hair Growth Promoting Agents: Amino Acids, Biotin, and B Complex

Hair Growth Promoting Agents: Amino Acids, Biotin, and B Complex

On average, a person has 300,000 strands of hair on their scalp, each growing out of single hair follicles. Most people’s hair is actively growing at any time, while a small portion of it, perhaps 10 percent, remains in a phase of resting in the growth cycle. Only about half an inch of hair growth takes place every month, leading to a total growth of roughly a foot per year. On average, 150 strands of hair fall daily. There’s a lot of hair loss that takes place naturally, and to lessen it, hair growth is enhanced through nutrition specific to hair, such as biotin, B vitamins, and amino acids can be consumed.

However, it’s always important to consult with a doctor before following any kind of treatment.

Hair Growth Promoting Agents: Amino Acids, Biotin, and B ComplexHair Growth

Under the top most part of the scalp, the dermal layers, lie your hair follicles which is where strands of hair grow. The average hair follicle is bulb-shaped and produced a single strand of hair. Unlike its place of origin, hair shafts consist of dead protein.

Hair growth happens in three stages: anagen, which is the active growth stage, followed by categen, also known as the intermediate stage and lastly, the telogen phrase where hair growth stops, also known as the resting stage. The natural cycle of hair growth includes both growth and loss of hair.

Amino Acids

Amino acids are considered to be an integral, building blocks of protein. Hair is made up of keratin through the grouping together of various fibrous proteins. These include the amino acids known as cysteine, which is produced by your own body making it a non-essential amino acid, and methionine which is consumed through your food and diet, making it an essential amino acid. Meat, fish along with dairy is a good source for obtaining methionine. Both of these amino acids play a crucial role in hair development as it lays the foundation in forming the hair shaft. You may take supplements of methionine under your physician’s advice.


Hair Growth Promoting Agents: Amino Acids, Biotin, and B ComplexPart of the B vitamin family, biotin is manufactured inside your body in your intestine. Not having enough in your system will lead to the loss of hair. A study showed that eggs are a good source of biotin, but it’s important to remove the egg whites. The experiment that determined this occurred when an young boy consumed raw eggs resulted in hair loss. Upon having him consume only the yolks, his hair growth returned to normal. Upon further inspection, they discovered that avidin was present in egg whites, restricts biotin from working properly.

B-Complex Vitamins

Folic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin, biotin, riboflavin, thiamine, inositol, B12 and B6 all fall under the B vitamin family. These complex vitamins are essential for maintaining metabolism when it comes to protein, fats, and carbs.

They’re also vital for the body to produce energy. As far as your hair goes, B vitamins make proteins inside your body, so they helps in making new cells and tissues, including hair. Other kinds of B vitamins, such as inositol, riboflavin, niacin, and biotin are integral to the health of your hair and enhance growth.

What You Need To Know About Folic Acid And Hair

What You Need To Know About Folic Acid And Hair

Folic acid, which is also referred to as folate, is a product of a B vitamin. Because it plays a vital role in the development of the fetus, it’s considered an important aspect of female nutrition. It’s specifically recommended to help prevent spinal and neurological problems during the development of fetuses. However, another less widely known benefit of folic acid is in its ability to foster an increased growth rate for hair. As with any supplements, it’s recommended that you consult a physician prior to taking any.


What You Need To Know About Folic Acid And HairFolic acid, which is a synthetic version of folate, works on your tissues and cells, affecting your skin, hair, nails and internal organs. According to research, it fosters growth, thereby preventing birth defects such as anencephaly and spinal bifida. Because folic acid works with vitamins C and B-12 to break down into proteins, it’s also useful in preventing anemia. The production of red blood cells along with DNA is made possible with folate. These qualities have resulted in folic acid being a method of alleviating problems regarding menstrual issues and leg ulcers.

Folic Acid and Hair

When your diet includes a sufficient amount of folic acid, it helps your hair grow faster. This is because, as studies indicate, folic acid can be used to treat alopecia, hair loss, in a Charolais calf. The case study cited a three week old male calf suffering from chronic hair loss, which was similarly compared to the symptoms experienced by a man with a deficiency in folic acid. The calf’s hair was growing in brown patches and had a crusty texture. Therapy consisting of folic acid supplements was given to the calf in a daily dose of 1 mg/kg/day. Within a fortnight, a gradual lessening of patchy crusty hair is observed. After two months, a substantial amount of natural, soft and consistently grown hair was observed.

Folic Acid Deficiency

The development of a folic acid deficiency occurs when you are not including enough food items that contain folic acid in your regular diet. It can also occur if you suffer from medical conditions such as chronic diarrhea or malabsorption, which inhibits your system from absorbing the necessary nutrients in your food.

What You Need To Know About Folic Acid And HairThe appearance of grey hair, mouth ulcers, peptic ulcers, a swollen tongue and poor growth are some of the symptoms experienced as a result of insufficient folic acid. Furthermore, studies indicate that it can lead to certain types of anemia.


There are a variety of foods that contain folic acid, which you can eat to make sure you are getting enough of it without depending on supplements. Citrus fruits and juices, dried beans and dark leafy vegetables are good sources of folic acid.

Other food that have had folic acid added to them include pastas, rice, cereals, breads, flours and other grains. If none of these appeal to you or are available to you, you may consult a physician about taking supplements in order to meet the dietary requirements to prevent a folic acid deficiency.

Beard Growth

What You Need To Know About Growing Beards

Growing a beard has evolved from being the look of a caveman into a current fashion trend that is likely to last for some time. Everyone seems to have one or want one as people are donning beards left, right and center. Some people are blessed with facial hair that grows exactly the way they want it to while the less fortunate struggle to get that caveman look.

For this reason, it’s important to know what challenges are faced by beard growers – and that if they can’t seem to grow a glorious beard, it has more to do with genetics than any other aspects.

What You Need To Know About Growing BeardsThe Testosterone Myth

The first question that pops to mind when a man can’t grow his masculine beard is, is if it’s linked to their male hormones. Testosterone is categorized as a male sex hormone, and not having enough of it leads to more worrying problems than being able to grow a beard.

Low levels of testosterone can be linked to decreased muscle mass, the development of breast tissue, erectile dysfunction, and infertility. So unless you are suffering from those symptoms, chances are taking a supplement for hormone therapy will not help you grow a beard.

Skin Conditions That Inhibit Hair Growth

People who suffer from certain conditions that affect their skin experience the side of effects of not being able to grow hair. Alopecia, which causes balding or hair loss is one example.

Another is hypothyroidism, which is characterized by an underactive thyroid that results in thin hair that grows slowly – though this is a condition that is common amongst women over the age of 50. Anemia, an iron deficiency, can also lead to the thinning of hair or hair loss.

In the instance that you are suffering from a skin condition which is affecting your hair growth, it’s recommended to pay a visit to a dermatologist which may or may not help you grow a beard.

Genetics, For Better Or Worse

Chances are, if your father or his father had problems growing facial hair, you are likely to experience something similar. In these cases, it really is a matter of genetics and there isn’t anything that can be done about it.

Unless you’re willing to go through the procedure and expenditure of beard implants – which seems to be a severe course of action for a relatively simple thing – you may have to live with beardless face.

What You Need To Know About Growing BeardsCan You Take Supplements?

In light of the recent demand for beards, coupled with an unfortunate few who can’t seem to grow them, a range of supplements and creams that claim to increase beard growth have become available.

Such products guarantee thicker and fuller beard but have little credibility from the perspective of science. These products may pledge to make your beard grow by providing nutrients such as vitamin C, biotin and vitamin A which stimulate hair growth.

It would be more practical to make use of daily vitamins that fall prey to the marketing gimmick that promises hair growth that targets your facial area.

Things You Can Do

There’s a minor chance that being incapable of growing a beard is linked to lack of care on your part, and there are a few things you could do to grow your beard and become your modern-day caveman lookalike that may help. Bear in mind that following these may not necessarily grant you beard of your dreams, but there’s no harm in trying.

Looking after yourself in body, mind and spirit is crucial to being healthy. Opt for a lifestyle that reduced stress, encourages healthy eating, resting enough, not smoking and taking care of your skin and perhaps you’ll get lucky.

If nothing else, being healthy may just even out those awkward peach fuzz patch work. And if all else fails, remember that nothing lasts forever, not even the love of beards in the fashion world.

Minerals And Nutrition To Make Your Hair Strong

Minerals And Nutrition To Make Your Hair Strong

Hair is composed of a protein called Keratin. This fibrous protein is non-living, so hair is essentially dead. However, it grows as a result of nourishment that reaches your hair follicles through your bloodstream. For the average person, the growth of hair is very slow – about half an inch every month – whereas up to 100 strands of hair are shed daily. This may fluctuate amongst different individuals due to a variety of reasons ranging from stress to malnutrition or hormonal problems. In order to maximize the health of your hair – or rather hair follicles – it is important to eat a balanced diet with the right kind minerals and vitamins so that your hair remains strong, healthy and thick.

Minerals And Nutrition To Make Your Hair StrongZinc

Hair loss and even baldness has been linked to a deficiency in zinc, a mineral that is crucially important for hair growth. Both meat and dairy products are an excellent source of zinc. However, they both also contain saturated fats which can promote hair loss.

Depending on your palette, you can find zinc in various kinds of food. Chocoholics can indulge in anything that has cocoa powder, whereas those who are inclined towards health food may make use of sunflower seeds, cashews, wheat powder and oysters in their diet.


In order to have a healthy head of hair, biotin plays an important role. Part of the B complex vitamins, biotin is important to have in your diet to avoid hair loss and dry, dull hair. Biotin can be found in liver, egg yolks, cauliflower and oatmeal. In order to optimize the benefits of these essential vitamins, food items containing thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic and folic acid are recommended.

Minerals And Nutrition To Make Your Hair StrongIron

Apart from hair loss, lack of sufficient iron in your body can also lead to fatigue and depression. Iron is important for producing red-blood cells, which in turn is important for transporting oxygen to different parts of your body. An iron deficiency means that an insufficient amount of blood and oxygen is flowing towards your scalp, which affects your hair’s health as hair follicles become weak. Apricots, black-eyed peas, soybean, liver, clams, oysters, berries, dried fruits, figs, pine nuts and whole grains are the kinds of food you should eat in order to increase the amount of iron in your system.

Vitamin C

According to research, in order to effectively absorb the iron we’ve eaten, vitamin C is necessary. Having citrus fruits, such as oranges or grapefruits, are recommended after having a meal that was rich in iron. Vitamin C can be found in many vegetables such as those dark green leafy ones such as spinach, asparagus, potatoes, broccoli, green peppers and brussel sprouts, as well as fruits such as oranges and tomatoes. These are important to include in your diet in order to absorb the iron you have consumed effectively.

Vitamin E

Not having enough vitamin E can result in hair loss, along with weakened nails that break often. A good source of vitamin E includes nuts and seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, pine nuts. These are also likely to have essential fatty acids as found in walnuts, flax seeds and fish, which play a significant role in maintaining healthy hair. Other sources of vitamin E include avocados, as well as olive oil.

Oils And Vinegar For Hair Growth

Oils And Vinegar For Hair Growth

Although hair loss is considered a natural process that takes place as people age, studies indicate that it’s linked to hormonal changes and the irritation of hair follicles. For these reasons, there are alternative methods, consisting of the use of natural remedies, in order to stimulate hair growth. Many of these are fairly simple home remedies that make fighting hair loss an easy task doable in the comfort of your own home.

However, it’s important to know that while many people have supported the use of natural treatments to stimulate hair growth, these methods have not been approved by the FDA. Therefore, consulting with a doctor is recommended prior to seeking any kind of treatment.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Oils And Vinegar For Hair GrowthAccording to sources, apple cider vinegar may used in one of two ways in order to increase hair growth; by consuming it orally, or applying it to the scalp.

To consume it, it is recommended that you dilute it by mixing one tablespoon of apple cider in a glass of water and drinking it four times a day.

A similar mixture is made by mixing four tablespoons of apple cider into two glasses of distilled water, or to be specific, 16 ounces to be used on your scalp. During your shower, apply the mixture onto your hair, gently massaging your scalp gently. After rinsing your hair, dry it as needed but do not use a hair dryer or any other method that would expose your hair to heat. It is suggested that this treatment should be followed daily or as required.

Olive Oil and Citrus Juice

The use of oils to nurture hair has been practiced for a long time in certain parts of the world. In order to nurture hair growth, the use of various kinds of oils on the scalp has been cited by many studies in order to combat hair loss. One recommendation is a mixture made of olive oil and citrus juice.

Oils And Vinegar For Hair GrowthMixing olive oil with lemon or lime juice in a ratio of four to one and gently massaging that mixture into your scalp for a few minutes before shampooing your hair (with a gentle shampoo) is the recommended course of action. It’s important to use natural and organic products such as virgin olive oil and fresh limes or lemon.

After shampooing, it’s important to let your hair dry naturally and to avoid using methods that expose your hair to heat. If any irritation occurs on the scalp, it is recommended to stop treatment immediately.

Flax Seed Oil and Vitamin E Oil

Using the oils that come from flax seed along with vitamin E oil is another effective treatment for hair loss. This home remedy should be mixed in a small container, using three tablespoons of flax seed oil for every two tablespoons of vitamin E.

In order to use this method, massage the mixture onto your scalp for several minutes prior to showering. When washing your hair, the use of a gentle shampoo along with a moisturizing conditioner is recommended following this treatment. The use of natural ingredients is crucial for the treatment to be effective, as certain products may cause irritations on the skin. This treatment may be repeated daily or as needed in order to stimulate hair growth.

Natural Steps To Grow Out Your Hair

Natural Steps To Grow Out Your Hair

It’s difficult to pinpoint the main cause of hair loss, or even a slow growth rate, as various factors can determine the growth of your hair. In most cases, hair loss stems from damage to the hair. This can happen when hair has been treated with chemicals which can damage the skin on the scalp. Even hot oil treatment, if not applied carefully, can result in damage as it can burn the skin on your scalp.

Certain links between hair loss and not having the right amount of nutrition have also been cited. There are three stages that take place in the cycle of hair growth: growing, resting and shedding. Hair loss occurs when shedding, which is a natural process, does not return to the growing stage. People who choose to grow out their hair – whether in scenario’s where they were disappointed in a haircut, or when they want fresh hair strands to replace damaged ones – can make use of natural methods.

Natural Steps To Grow Out Your HairMassaging To Stimulate Growth

Rosemary oil is very nutritious for hair as it helps to keep your scalp clean and moisturized, preventing dandruff and a flaky scalp. For these reasons, rosemary oil can be used to massage into your scalp. It’s recommended that you do so every night before going to bed, as it helps to stimulate hair follicles and boosts hair growth.

Snip To Be Healthy

Although this may not make much sense if you are trying to grow out your hair, it’s important to get a trim to maintain your hair’s health. It’s recommended to trim of the ends of your hair at least every two months, so that split ends and dead hair is removed. If you don’t, chances are the hair will either break or, in the case of split ends, split further up the strand, leading to more damage.

Keep Your Hair Clean

Washing your hair with clarifying shampoo, at the very least, once a month, is integral to maintaining a healthy hair care routine. It’s important to know what kind of hair you have in order to use a clarifying shampoo efficiently. People who have hair that tends to be oily should use it once a week, whereas people with dry hair should use it once a month. Clarifying shampoo is used to remove excess building from your scalp. It removes oil, dead skin cell and leftover buildup from the styling products you may have used. Having a clean scalp enhances your hair follicles so that your hair is shinier and has more volume.Natural Steps To Grow Out Your Hair

Deep Conditioning – Naturally!

Moisturizing your hair places an important part of hair care. In order to maximize the effect, deep conditioning is recommended. This can be done by using home products such as mayonnaise or coconut oil. Apply a small amount to dry hair and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes. Using mayonnaise or coconut oil will help to nourish your hair. After you’ve put it on for the required time period, thoroughly rinse your hair and shampoo as required.

Keep Your Hair Safe

In order to protect your hair from the harmful rays of the sun, you can apply sunscreen prior to going out. This can be done by combing any protective sunscreen or serum through dry hair, making sure it covers your hair strands. This will protect your hair from getting damaged from exposure to UV rays.

Minimize The Necessary Evils

While using styling products and appliances have their perks, they should be minimized as they can damage the hair. Most especially damaging is when your hair experiences prolonged exposure to heat, as the hair cuticle is damaged in the process.

Coconut Oil For Hair

Treating Hair Loss With Coconut Oil

The scent of coconut reminds many people of tropical beaches and tropical drinks. Coconuts are a very versatile fruit and each of their parts can but used to make different products. For example, when the meat is scraped from the shell of the coconut and then pressed, it produces coconut oil. Coconut oil is a multi-purpose product that has been raved about as a treatment for many different illnesses from acne to indigestion. The beauty industry has taken hold of the possible benefits of coconut oil and has started reporting that there is a viable link between strong, healthy hair and coconut oil. However, there is little evidence to support this claim.Treating Hair Loss With Coconut Oil

In brief, coconut oil will not help you grow new hair and there are not yet any credible studies that prove this claim. One scientists has gone on the record to say that if coconut oil really did stimulate hair growth, people who use coconut oil for tanning would see excessive hair growth anywhere that they continually put coconut oil onto their skin. Should coconut oil work like hair regrowth treatments, people would certainly see hair growth, but maybe not from their heads.

Even if coconut oil turns out to be a disappointment in this circumstance, There is still hope from several new products that are going through a rigorous testing phase by the FDA. So far, only two different drugs are recommended or approved by the FDA to help regrow lost hair. they are Rogaine and Propecia.

Treating Hair Loss With Coconut OilRogaine is ideal for men who are under 40 years of age who are suffering from a receding hairline but are not yet completely bald. It is also used by patients who lost their hair because of illnesses or treatments like chemotherapy. Rogaine is applied topically. Propecia is a pill that works against a hormone which is known to cause hair loss and it is only available for men.

Just because coconut oil may not deliver you from future hair loss does not meant that its value as a beauty tool is diminished. Coconut oil is full of a saturated type of fat call lauric acid. Lauric acid is a fat that is also produced naturally by our bodies and some studies have shown that it have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties that provide many benefits to the skin.

Coconut oil has proven to be an excellent moisturizer. In addition to smelling like a beach vacation, it is safe to use on the skin. Because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, it is also a successful treatment to acne and may be offered as an alternative treatment to antibiotics. Its moisturizing properties also help to sooth psoriasis and eczema as well as help to prevent serious infections that often come along with these skin diseases.

Hair Growth Vitamins

Which Vitamins Boost Hair Growth?

One of the best way to get the nutrients you need to keep your hair healthy is by eating a balanced diet full of foods that are full of the 13 vitamins essential for healthy, beautiful hair. If you are looking for foods with vitamins that help you grow fantastic hair, look for foods with the following vitamins: A, C, E, D, K and the vitamin group called the B complex vitamin group. The vitamin B complex group includes:  B-6, B-12, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate and biotin. Of all of these vitamins, both D and the B complex group have become the most famous for growing and maintaining healthy hair.

Which Vitamins Boost Hair Growth?The D vitamin is an essential nutrient for a number of reasons. It promotes healthy skin and bones as well as healthy hair growth. An academic journal called Stem Cells Translational Medicine published a study in 2012 that stated that vitamin D helps the body create new hair follicles as well as help reinvigorate hair follicles that seem to have stopped producing hair.

Even when follicles are awake or active, some may not produce hair. You can try treatments like Rogaine or Propetia which work to prevent hair loss in the future. Preventing hair loss is important because while vitamin D can help you keep your hair, it has not been proven to help you grow hair back. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, adults should get 15 micrograms daily of vitamin D. For one reason or another, not everyone is able to get the vitamin D they need and some studies have shown that it is possible that over one billion people around the world suffer a vitamin D deficiency.

You can reach your vitamin D goals naturally by eating foods that are rich in this nutrient. Foods like fish, grains,mushrooms and fortified drinks like orange juice or milk can help you eat your vitamin D levels. Your body will also produce vitamin D naturally through spending time in the sun and spending time outside will help you reach the daily recommended levels.

Which Vitamins Boost Hair Growth?Another option is to take a vitamin D supplement. However, you should only take a supplement if you have a serious deficiency and do not have a way to get it through food or sunlight. Vitamin D can stay unmetabolised in your body and reach dangerous levels. Too much vitamin D can cause fatigue and sometimes kidney problems. The advice given with supplements is to consume it with food so that the body is able to absorb it properly.

The vitamins that make up the B complex group are necessary for regulating your general health including your metabolism and your central nervous system. They also contribute to having healthy glowing hair and skin according to recent studies by the University of Maryland Medical Center.

In particular, vitamins B-12, niacin and biotin and suggested to both maintain and improve the condition of your hair. Just like vitamin D, it is best to get these vitamins via food as a primary source. You are able to get many of the B complex vitamins in most whole grains, carrots, leafy greens, cauliflower, beef liver, eggs, poultry, soybeans, nuts, legumes and avocados.

Which Vitamins Boost Hair Growth?Certain groups of people find themselves deficient in B vitamins. Older people, vegetarians and vegans are the most common people with this issue and in these cases a supplement can make up the remaining necessary vitamins. Unlike vitamin D, B-12 is safe and it does not do damage if you go over a certain limit. However, you should always check with a health professional before you begin new supplements.

While the health and beauty industry has become fixated on the potential benefits of the biotin vitamin for healthy hair, the evidence for this claim is scientifically week. Biotin can cause problems in your body if you take more than is necessary. Biotin supplements are also less necessary and the University of Maryland Medical Center has released reports stating that it’s rare that adults are deficient in niacin or biotin.

There are several lifestyle changes you can make to help achieve a healthy head of hair. If you style your hair frequently, try to cut back on styling products and blow drying to reduce damage to your hair. Brushing your hair when it is wet is another good way to improve your hair. You can also apply healthy lifestyle principles like getting 30 minutes of exercise daily and drinking plenty of water. You should also think about the food you eat.

Make sure to eat the food you need to get all of your daily levels of vitamins and avoid drinks that are empty calories or have chemical fillers. By managing these lifestyle choices, you can improve the look and health of your hair without supplements.