Hair & Nail Supplements

Hair & Nail Supplements

In ancient Greece, it was thought that the physical beauty with which people were blessed was a sign from the cosmos. The ancient Greeks believed that how beautiful you were was determined by your own harmony with the universe. They may have been on to something, as science today attributes health and nutrition to beauty. If you take care of your body, nourishing it to the fullest with the right nutrients and lifestyle, you will have healthy and beautiful physical attributes. This includes your skin, your nail and even your hair.

Tips For Healthy Nails and HairTips For Healthy Nails and Hair

In order to optimize the health of your nails and hair, a variety of nutrients may be consumed for sufficient nourishment. You need to have the required amount of minerals, protein, vitamins, complex carbohydrates and essential fatty acids, along with plenty of water, to nourish your body properly. Not meeting the dietary requirements or suffering from a condition that prevents your body from absorbing these will result in a deficiency in any of these nutrients. The result of this deficiency are unhealthy nails and hair.

  1. Silica

Silica happens to be aptly known as the mineral of beauty as it plays a crucial part in beauty. It effectiveness targets both growth and strength, as it increases the growth of your hair and nails, while aiding in the absorption of minerals and calcium.

The need of Silica

Silica is one of the more abundant element, coming in second after oxygen, on earth. 7 grams of it are present in your body naturally, as its required for your overall health – specifically for good skin and strong bones and muscle tissues, as it helps in the production of collagen.

Combined with vitamin C, silica maintains your skin’s moisture through the compound mucopolysaccharides. It helps form your connective tissues by working with collagen, elastin and carbohydrates.

As it strengthens your bones, this includes your teeth. It helps harden the enamel, which in turn prevents weak gums. Therefore, silica plays a vital part in your immune system.

Scientific studies

An experiment was conducted to determine if taking 10 mg of bioavailable silica had a positive effect on hair and nails. In a randomized group of women who suffered sun damage, some were given placebo treatment while others were not. Their nail and skin health were measured periodically in the span of the study. After 20 weeks, it was found that the women who were not taking the placebo had in fact improved the condition of their skin, hair and nails.

Another study focused on how silica effects hair. A group of 48 women was given the same dosage as above during a period of nine months. All of these women had fine hair. In the final phase, their hair was thicker and the study concluded that it was due to an increase in elasticity and strength as a result of the silica supplements.

Tips For Healthy Nails and HairWhy we need Silica?

As people age, especially women, the lower levels of estrogen results in less absorption of silica into our systems. Therefore, with age, silica levels inside our bodies decline.

Silica is not commonly present in food – and if it is, it’s minimal. The most cited source of silica can be found in the outer layers of food, which is often removed when it is processed. Rice, for example, has a natural amount of silica but when it is refined and polished during production, it loses its nutritional value – at least in the form of silica. As the modern world has shifted towards consuming more mass produced food, people have simultaneously decreased their consumption of silica. As a result of which, people have much less silica now than they did previously.

Nonetheless, silica can be found in a variety of food items. Fruits, including apples, oranges, cucumbers and cherries, as well as vegetables such as onions, carrots, endives, eggplants, pumpkin, raw cabbage, celery, red beets have silica in them. Other food items which contain silica include raisins, almonds, peanuts, honey, corn, and fish. The best source however, lies in the amount of whole grain consumed – although absorbing it from food has been proven to be a difficult task.

Hair & Nail SupplementsNot having enough silica in your diet leads to premature wrinkle, weak nails, hair loss and weak bones. The biggest warning sign that you aren’t having enough is when you feel cold very easily, even on a summer day as people with silica deficiencies suffer from an increased sensitivity to cold.

  1. Biotin

One of the parts of complex B vitamin, biotin is also an important enzyme that plays an important role in various important reactions that take place inside your body. Without biotin, the body would not be able to make its own and utilize both amino and fatty acids. Biotin is also important for the body to make use of carbohydrates, pantothenic, folic acid and vitamin B.

Studies conducted show that biotin, also called the hair vitamin, is a useful supplement to take for hair and nail care as it has restorative properties that prevent dry, brittle nails and it promotes hair growth.

4 Herbs For Longer Hair

4 Herbs For Longer Hair

People who have scalps that are easily susceptible to dry skin can gain the benefits of using herbs as opposed to chemical laden products. Choosing herbs over commercial products may greatly enhance hair growth for people who are trying to grow out their hair. Natural, chemical free herbal products are now even available markets which sell organic products, making your life easier. There aren’t any magical herbs that make your hair grow faster than a speeding bullet, but if you know which herbs have what effect on your hair, then you can follow an herbal regime that will optimize hair growth.

For Strength, Rosemary

4 Herbs For Longer HairYou will find many hair products that make use of rosemary because it’s notorious for hair care. It works by vitalizing the part of your hair that needs the right kind of nudge – your hair follicles. According to research, not only does it help to encourage hair growth, it also makes your hair stronger in the long run. To gain the herbal benefits of rosemary without suffering the consequence of chemical induced products, start including rosemary in your diet or make your own rosemary hair rinse.
It’s almost like brewing tea. To make a rosemary hair rinse, take a few fresh rosemary leaves (or dry if they are out of season) and let them sit in simmering water. Let it be in this state for several minutes. Do not strain the liquid right away as letting the mixture cool down will allow for more rosemary to be extracted into the liquid. After that, pour it over your hair before rinsing it out. Beware that the use of any topical ingredients may lead to irritations or reactions on your skin – in which case it is recommended to take the herbs orally.

For Protection, Chamomile

Chamomile can help with hair growth and also adds a layer of protection to your scalp because it has multiple effects on your hair. Apart from nourishing your hair, preventing an itchy scalp and hair loss, chamomile also fights against infections. To optimize the positive effects of chamomile on your hair, you can massage a little bit of its essential oils on to your scalp. Do this during your shower, not before you’ve washed your hair but after. If not, you can make use a chamomile rinse using the aforementioned method.

For Circulation, Ginkgo4 Herbs For Longer Hair

This is a widely known herb in the world of hair care, as it boosts blood circulation in your scalp and even has healing properties for repairing damaged hair. The most useful method of using this herb for treating your hair is to take over-the-counter supplements.

Ginseng, The Super Herb for Hair

Ginseng is a multi-talented herb, which is why, like rosemary, it’s found in many products used for hair care. It boosts circulation, stimulating hair growth. It also helps your body get rid of toxins, offering holistic health benefits for your entire body.

Dandruff and other kinds of problems that are related to the scalp can inhibit hair growth, sometimes leading to hair loss. Products that contain ginseng which are in popular demand include ginseng tea and supplements. But you can also make use of fresh ginseng roots in your diet to reap the benefits of this herb to make your hair healthy and strong through nourishment.

10 Ways To Strengthen Your Hair

10 Ways To Strengthen Your Hair

People who have weak hair also have to live with not being able to style it as much as they would like to, because doing so often causes further damage to already weakened hair. Because the strands are weak, there’s the fear of breaking them and they don’t stay very long in the curls you’ve styled them in. At times, this is due to a person’s genetic makeup. Other times it’s because of an unfortunate medical condition. Furthermore, the continuous use of styling products can damage your hair further with their chemical ingredients. Your hair may seem like it has a mind of its own at times, but if you treat it nice with the right kind of pampering, you’ll end up with long, strong and thick hair.

10 Ways To Strengthen Your HairWashing Your Hair

Using the correct shampoo and conditioner has an adverse effect on the health of your hair. Matching the appropriate shampoo with your hair type and style routine can save you the trouble of dealing with further damage. If you tend to use tools that expose your hair to heat a lot, opt for a hair-washing product that can help. Avoid using a straightener and instead try product that straightens or defrizzes hair. If your hair is prone to breaking, go for products with which may work to renew or restore your hair – or simply ones that prevent breakage. Make sure your hair remains moisturized too as heat can dry out your hair.

The use of products which offer protein treatment to your hair can make it thicker and stronger. Also remember to use a gentle microfiber towel after you’ve washed your hair, as has a higher rate of absorbing water.

Styling – the necessary evil

As mentioned, the use of styling applications that expose your hair to heat, such as hair straighteners and blow-dryers, end up weakening your hair strands, causing an increase in breakages. If you absolutely can’t do without using a hair dryer or flat-iron, make use of a protective coat with the help of a serum prior to exposing your hair to heat. An ionic blow-dryer, which is twice as efficient as a regular one because it dries your hair in half the time, is recommended for blow-drying. When using a straightener, make sure that it has porous ceramic coating which can prevent frizz and hair breakage. Also remember, when brushing your hair to make use of a brush in which the bristles are rounded, i.e. ball-tipped, rather than sharp and jagged; or a wide-toothed comb, which will be less rough on your scalp. Also remember not to brush your hair too much as it can lead to further breakages.

10 Ways To Strengthen Your HairKeeping Your Skin Healthy

Using circular motions with your fingertips, massage your scalp every night to increase the blood flow. Begin at the bottom of your neck, moving upwards to your hairline. You can even do this while shampooing and washing your hair.

Maintain a protein rich diet to help nurture your hair, as hair is made of a protein called keratin.

Eating food rich in protein, such as meats and nuts will give your hair a boost. Also remember to go for regular trims to remove split ends and prevent brittle hair that breaks.

How To Navigate Chemical Products

The use of hair dyes and products with chemicals can be damaging for your hair. It can cause damage to your hair by drying it out and weakening it, as hair dyes contain the chemicals peroxide and ammonia. Instead of using chemical laden products, opt for an alternative products that are available in the market. The use of as henna, or semi-permanent would lessen the damage you are causing your hair as they contain no chemical agents. These products work on your hair for a temporary time. In giving up permanent hair dye, you will get color that lasts from 2-8 weeks or mre – but you will have healthier hair in the long run. Look for dyes that are designed to prevent dry hair, such as one that includeoils, as they will lock in moisture. If pencil straight hair is your beauty dream and your flat iron keeps on damaging your hair, try products with stearyl alcohol. Remember that opting to style your hair so that its curled, straightened, primped or permed look good but in the long run they lead to weak follicles.

When To Worry

People who suffer from alopecia or experience an increasingly high rate of shedding hair that exceeds 100 strands a day should consult a doctor for treatment.

Diet For Hair Growth

Diet For Hair Growth

You recently decided got a haircut that ended up being a major disappointment because it didn’t end up meeting your expectations of maintaining your hair length, or you have simply been trying for what seems like forever, to grow out your hair – either way it feels like you’re being tortured as you silently wait with such minor results.

It requires patience and plenty of time – but other than that, luckily, there are a few things you can do to make it happen faster. Hopefully, it won’t have you feeling like waiting for a watched pot to boil because there’s something you can actively do. Eating strategically, focusing on these scientifically backed foods which nurture hair growth, will help hasten the process of growing your hair out.

  1. Diet For Hair GrowthSalmon:

Salmon is abundant with nutrition that enhances the health of your hair – it should be a super food for hair. It has protein and Vitamin D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. These make your hair grow faster by encouraging a healthy scalp.

  1. Yellow Peppers:

Did you know that when it comes to vitamin C, yellow bell-peppers are a better source than oranges? They have more than five times the amount found in oranges! Because it’s an anti-oxidant, vitamin C adds strength to your hair by preventing breakage.

  1. Oysters: 

Hair loss has been attributed to a zinc deficiency as it results in an unhealthy scalp. Fortunately, oysters are full of zinc. It contains so much zinc that three ounces is more than three times the amount you need in a day. Be wary of oysters that hail from the Gulf of Mexico, as they may contain cadmium as a result of the oil spill in 2010.

  1. Diet For Hair GrowthEggs: 

Like salmon, another ideal source for your body to consume the required kinds of fat – omega-3 fatty acids – can be found in eggs. But eggs prove to be more beneficial to your hair’s health as they also happen to have the micronutrient biotin, one of the go-to supplements people consume for healthy hair. Be careful to limit your consumption, bearing in mind that the yolk of the egg, not the egg whites, contains the nutrients your hair is looking for. If you overdo on the amount of egg whites you consume, it will be counter-intuitive as it blocks the retention of biotin.

  1. Sunflower Seeds:

Seeds that contain a substantial of vitamin E are sunflower seeds. Vitamin E is a useful nutrient for hair care as it increases the blood circulation to your scalp. It therefore increases stimulation of hair growth by making your circulation system up there more efficient.

  1. Sweet Potatoes: 

Sweet potatoes contain a nutrient called beta carotene. These are significant for your hair as they play a vital part in giving you a robust scalp as a precursor for vitamin A. Bear in mind that high doses of vitamin A, specifically over 25000 milligrams, can be harmful for you. So sweet potatoes all the way! 

  1. Diet For Hair GrowthAvocados:

Avocados are go-to food for beauty. They are an abundant source of the essential fatty acids, which makes skin soft and healthy – and that includes the skin on the top of your head, otherwise known as your scalp. To increase the production of collagen and elastin in your hair, making it more durable, apply and consume avocados. To apply, its recommended that a mixture of the fruit with sour cream be used, as the lactic acid acts as an exfoliate and removes dead skin cells. Leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing it off to remove it.

  1. Almonds:

Another good source of biotin can be found in almonds. Munching on a cup every day will help you meet around 30 percent of the bodies daily need of biotin. Within a couple of months, you will start to notice that your hair has in fact grown faster and appears thicker and fuller.

How Women Can Grow Long Luscious Locks

How Women Can Grow Long Luscious Locks

The average person experiences a hair growth rate of six inches every year. However, as people age, the rate at which new hair cells can grow becomes progressively slower. Many women aspire to have hair that grows longer and faster, while still maintaining its luster and health. Sometimes, this seems easier said than done given the rate at which hair grows and gets damaged. It may seem like a no-win situation but luckily, there are a few things you can do to make your hair grow longer, even if you suffer from hair loss courtesy of unfortunate genetics or happen to be stressed. The following will help you nourish your scalp, and by proxy, make your hair longer and healthier.

How Women Can Grow Long Luscious LocksUsing Oils

According to studies, one of the effects of using peppermint essential oils is increased hair growth. Scalp massage bars that contain peppermint oil are available, or you can opt to use essential oils – which you can even make yourself at home.

Take a little bit and rub it on your palms, before massaging it into your scalp to help stimulate blood flow and let the peppermint effect take place.

Keeping your hair clean

In order to keep your hair fresh and clean, and therefore healthy, it’s important to use a clarifying shampoo once in a while. These shampoos are specialized to help remove residual product, dandruff and dead skin from your scalp. Utilizing it will prevent blockages from forming in your follicles, which may inhibit hair growth. Depending on whether your hair type is oily, normal or dry, take into consideration what kind of shampoo will suit your hair before you use it.

Maintaining moisture

Deep conditioning should be part of your hair care in order to keep your hair healthy, maintain its elasticity, which prevents breakage. It is recommended to use it once a week in order to keep your hair nourished and to stimulate hair growth. However, you should bear in mind that using one that suits your hair is recommended. Apart from regular deep conditioners, masks and mudpacks that you can use on your hair are available in the market too – usually in hair salons.

Brushing your hair

How Women Can Grow Long Luscious LocksAnother important part of your hair care routine should include brushing it every night before bed, using a natural bristle brush. The positive effects of doing this will show as your hair appears shinier and healthier. It’s been scientifically backed that brushing stimulates blood flow to your scalp, thereby increasing your hair growth.

Diet and Nutrition

A good hair care regimen makes use of a healthy diet that nourishes your hair in all the right way. For healthy hair, include foods in your diet that provide your roots a good source of B-complex vitamins. According to research, knowing which vitamins your hair needs and making sure you consume them in the right amounts will encourage hair growth, as some of these nutrients are essential for forming the building blocks of your hair’s structure.

To make sure you are getting enough nutrients that promote hair growth, eat foods that contain these vitamins. Include plenty of lean meats, whole grains and dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach in your diet. Make sure you are eating enough of these in order to reach the dietary requirements suitable for keeping your hair long and healthy!

Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Causes

We all lose hair every day. How much hair we lose varies from person to person, and when to be concerned about your hair loss really depends on what is normal for you. Generally, when bald spots start to appear, or when the hair seems to be shedding in clumps rather than a few strands, is when you may need to address the situation. Of course, there are the more common, genetic reasons we lose our hair. Take male pattern baldness, for example. This is something that will occur for many men across the world and something that is, generally, accepted as part of the ageing process in humans.Hair Loss Causes

But what if rapid, or quantitative, hair loss occurs that cannot be put down to age or genetics? There are several other factors that need to be considered when seeking blame for the shedding of hair. Hormones, thyroid problems, infections, certain medications and diseases can all contribute to follicular malfunction.

In terms of hormones affecting hair loss, particularly in women, this can be to do with childbirth, either pre or post, as well as the menopause. In men, as they get older their hormonal composition changes which can affect many areas of their body, including their hair.

Thyroid disorders are perhaps the biggest hormone related cause of hair loss. Having both an over-active thyroid gland, and an under-active thyroid gland can lead to hair loss unless treated appropriately.

Hair Loss CausesIt is not just our hormones that affect how our bodies shed hair. In terms of nutrition, a lack of iron and/or zinc in your diet can contribute to a weakened follicular structure. Stress, both mentally and physically, is a factor that can also lead to hair loss. So anything from a hectic lifestyle or high pressure job, to a surgical procedure or loss of blood can cause you to lose your hair.

Some medications, such as beta-blockers and anti-depressants, can be linked to hair loss, which you may think is a sacrifice well worth taking in order to improve your health in other areas, but hair loss has been proven to affect us in number of highly negative ways.

Hair loss has been linked with lower self-esteem, body image and increased anxiety. So hair loss can affect us in many more ways than we may at first think. Although it does not affect us in a drastically physical way it can have a very negative effect on us mentally. In short, hair loss is something that most of us would like to avoid as it could mean losing more than just the hair on our heads itself, we could indeed end up with losing a sense of dignity and self-esteem. Fortunately, there are many options available for both blocking the causes of hair loss, as well as reversing the process once it has started.

DIY Remedies For Super Clean Hair

DIY Remedies For Super Clean Hair

For healthy hair that grows strong and thick, the starting point lies in the health and cleanliness of the hair follicles. These follicles, which are attached to the sebaceous gland, are the roots to strong and healthy hair. If they aren’t kept clean, oil and dirt can pile up on your scalp, leading to hair losing its natural luster. This comes from the leftover buildup of styling products as well as skin cells that are dead. If that keeps adding up, the result is flaky, greasy hair which is an unsuitable environment to encourage hair growth. The sebaceous gland on your scalp produces natural oil which can clog or dirty your follicles. That’s why it’s important to clean your hair and fortunately, keeping your follicles nice and clean won’t put a large dent in your wallet.DIY Remedies For Super Clean Hair

Herbal Massages

To stimulate hair follicles so that oil which are naturally produced by the sebaceous glands are distributed evenly, massaging your scalp can make a huge difference as it increases your blood flow. As the massage involves a lot of movement on your scalp, it loosens any dirt that has been clinging to your scalp, keeping excess sebum out of your hair follicles. People who believe in herbal medicine endorse the use of herbal infusions to massage your scalp. Using nettle, rosemary or horsetail leaf to help cleanse your hair follicles and normalize the production of natural oils. In order to use herbs to remedy this, you must first make an infusion from the herb of your choice. After that, take a few drops and use it to massage your scalp with your fingertips in circular motion.

Clarifying Shampoo

To remove the excess buildup of debris and oils from you scalp, use a clarifying shampoo. Using one regularly will remove all of the excess buildup and help to keep your scalp clean and oil-free. This helps in preventing your hair follicles from being surrounded by a buildup of oil and dirt. Depending on what kind of hair type you have, you will need to use a clarifying shampoo accordingly. It’s important to know that clarifying shampoos, because they contain agents that may be harsh with frequent usage, should be used alternately with regular shampoos.

DIY Remedies For Super Clean HairPeople with oily hair will need to shampoo their hair more to avoid oil buildup, therefore it’s recommended they use a clarifying shampoo once a week.

Rinse made of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a very good product to use to clean your hair. It stimulates follicles, helps to unclog pores and is known to prevent dandruff.

Certain studies have indicated a link between the flakes on your scalp and dandruff with a bacteria that blocks hair follicles. Using apple cider vinegar as a cleanser for your hair can help prevent that. It’s recommended that you use apple cider vinegar in its pure form, meaning it’s not diluted, to pour over your hair, focusing on the scalp.

Wrap a towel around your hair so that it penetrates completely in order to let the apple cider vinegar kill the bacteria and cleans your hair. Do this before you shower and shampoo your hair, as needed until your dandruff or flakiness is gone.

How To Grow Out Your Hair Naturally

How To Grow Out Your Hair Naturally

Some people are blessed with hair that grows faster than average, while others struggle with hair growth. One aspect of hair growth that is not in your control is the genetic makeup you were born with. Various other factors affect your hair growth, such as diet and your mental and physical states. Studies show that certain disorders that cause hair loss may be linked to stress hormones, such as the autoimmune disorder alopecia areata. People who go through the process of losing hair or the thinning of their hair have often sought help through the extensive use of various commercial products. However, there are methods you can follow to stimulate your hair to grow faster, without depending on chemicals and medicine and keeping your hair as natural as possible.

Consulting a physician prior to taking any supplements is highly recommended.

How To Grow Out Your Hair NaturallyStep 1

The building blocks of hair are made up of protein. That’s why following a protein-rich diet can help nourish your hair and encourage growth. Studies have also shown that people who don’t include a sufficient amount of protein in their diet are prone to lose hair. Lean meats, fish, dairy products and eggs are a good source of the protein that you need.

Step 2

Aloe vera is a well known herb when it comes to beauty. It can be used for your skin or hair, whether it’s taken orally or applied to the surface in the form of liquid or gel. When it comes to hair, it has been recommended as a form of treatment for people diagnosed with alopecia areata. For people who want to make their hair healthier and longer, aloe vera gel may be a good solution.

This is not a commercial product but something you can get from your own aloe vera plant. Aloe vera leaves have gel running through their veins so simply cut off the amount required and squeeze it to get pure aloe vera gel. It is suggested that you rub some into your hair by massaging your scalp with your fingers before sleeping at night. This will nurture your hair and even may get rid of any bald spots you may have.

Step 3

How To Grow Out Your Hair NaturallyAccording to research, practicing yoga may benefit your hair. Practice yoga, holding various poses to increase your core strength and flexibility. Eventually, you will be able to do headstands and forward bends, which increase your circulation targeting your head and scalp. It also alleviates stress, which is something linked to hair loss.

Step 4

According to research, ginko biloba is an herb that promotes growth of hair. It’s recommended that you take it in the form of an herbal supplement, available in various drug stores as an over the counter pill or on the online market. However, as mentioned before, consults with a doctor prior to taking this to stimulate your hair growth.

Step 5

The use of essential oils from specific herbs can play a crucial role in stimulating your hair naturally. You can make your own essential oils yourself, or buy them in the market. Mix together drops of peppermint, rosemary and sage essential oils to use in massaging your scalp with your fingertips. The movement stimulates blood circulation in your head and the herbs are good for making your hair long and healthy.

Thyroid Related Hair Loss

Thyroid Related Hair Loss

Your thyroid regulates your hormones, so anybody suffering from a thyroid disease will have to deal with fluctuating hormone levels. This can have a negative impact on you emotionally and mentally, along with a variety of physical symptoms such as hair loss. It’s quite common to lose your hair when you have thyroid issues but it isn’t impossible to treat.

Hair Loss Due to Thyroid Hormones

Thyroid Related Hair LossThe process of growing hair is a natural process, but at any one time, almost all of the hair on your head is going through the growing stages while a small part remains in the resting phase. The process can be affected by changes within the body, resulting in more hair remaining in the rest period and a smaller portion of hair that grows. This can lead to the thinning of your hair, hair loss and balding.

There are quite a few conditions, medically, that lead to hair loss, but it’s been found that thyroid disease is the most common one. There are two kinds of thyroid disease, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, which is an underactive and an overactive thyroid gland respectively. With either of these diseases, an abnormal amount of thyroid hormones are produced which has a detrimental effect on hair growth, other symptoms may follow. Production of hormone surplus makes your hair fine and thin, thinning to the point that your scalp may show. When not enough of this hormone is made, it results in hair loss all over the body.

To make matters worse, the treatment of an underactive thyroid includes taking a hormone called levothyroxine, which apart from other effects includes hair loss. However, this is common only during the initial phase of the treatment and is often the case for children rather than adults. Once the treatment is over, your hair growth normalizes and the hair loss automatically goes away.

Thyroid Disease’s SymptomsThyroid Related Hair Loss

Hair loss is not the primary symptom of thyroid disease to watch out for. People who have a problem with their thyroids will experience mood swings, the inability to deal with extreme temperatures, be it hot or cold, insomnia or lethargy and fluctuation in their weight. They are also prone to muscle weakness, dry skin and hair as well as showing signs of not having the most active memory and attention span. Women are prone to abnormal menstruation cycles.

A blood test is required to see if you have thyroid disease.

Treatment for Hair Loss and Thyroid

Once you have been diagnosed with a thyroid disease, because hair loss is a symptom of it, the treatment for the disease should solve the problem of hair loss.

However, it takes a certain amount of time to figure out the optimum treatment dosage, and then a bit more for it to take effect. In the instance that you feel conscious of your hair before and during treatment, you can always opt to wear a wig or try a hairstyle that can hide your hair loss. You can even consult with a doctor if there’s any topical medication you can take to make your hair grow, such as minoxidil (Rogaine).

Bear in mind that, as aforementioned, thyroid disease affects other parts of your body apart from hair growth. Discuss with your doctor to confirm that hair loss is indeed the result of thyroid and then seek treatment accordingly.

How L-Cysteine Promotes Hair Growth

How L-Cysteine Promotes Hair Growth

L-cysteine is an amino acid that is present in your body. Its function to make disulfide bonds, which aid in enhancing hair growth while maintaining its luster and strength. For these reasons, it’s considered one of the many natural ways you can make use of to boost your hair’s health. It adds strength, moisture and shine to your hair. It can be found in shampoos as well as in dietary supplements, but there are certain things to keep in mind when you want to make use of l-cysteine for your hair.How L-Cysteine Promotes Hair Growth

What is L-cysteine?

It’s common knowledge that amino acids are an integral part of proteins. Amino acids are classified into 3 different types, essential, semi-essential and non-essential. The essential amino acids cannot be manufactured inside our bodies, so we consume them through food or supplements. Non-essential amino acids are aptly titled as, since they are present inside our bodies, so there is no need to consume them otherwise. Though it is made inside our bodies and exists as an amino acid, l-cysteine can also be found in certain foods, making it a condition or semi-essential amino acid. It is made in small dosages by our body, which is why we also seek it through supplements.

When there is no problem or disorder in metabolism, l-cysteine is made inside your body. All humans have the capability of producing it. For people that have metabolic disorders, especially infants and seniors, the need for supplements is necessary.

Hair Growth with L-Cysteine

The building block of your hair strands, keratin, a long fibrous protein that is made inside your skin, nails and hair. L-cysteine is required for your body to be able to produce keratin and therefore is essential for your hair.

There are three components to your hair – the outermost layer called the cuticle, which surround the cortex, which surround the most central part of the shaft, the medulla. The medulla is what gives your hair the thickness it has.

The cortex the most important layer of your hair, taking up anywhere from 80 to 90 percent of a single strand of hair. It’s made up of keratin, which is what provides strength to your hair. The protein that is bundled up together, giving hair its fibrous structure, consists mostly of l-cysteine.

How to Improve the Growth and Texture of Hair

How L-Cysteine Promotes Hair GrowthExternal factors such as your hair’s exposure to the sun, chlorine and heat can have a negative effect on the health of your hair, regardless of how good your genetics are. Depending on your lifestyle and hair care routine, some of these may be avoided whereas others are a necessary evil. To optimize the health of your hair, making sure you consume the right amount of amino acids and l-cysteine can help. Just like any other animals, the look and feel of hair in human is determined by their diet. Certain foods can alleviate hair conditions such as dry hair.

How L-Cysteine Promotes Hair GrowthHow to Take L-Cysteine for Hair

While it’s suggested that l-cysteine is important for taking care of your hair, it’s not the only set and sure way to optimize your hair’s health. As mentioned above, your hair is part of your body, so taking care of your hair is contingent on how well you take care of your body. This includes following a healthy diet and lifestyle.

1,400 mg is the minimum dietary requirement of l-cysteine daily. Protein rich food including meats such as pork, chicken and salmon, and eggs, are a good source of amino acids. If you’re a vegetarian, a suitable replacement could be found in sunflower seeds, soybeans and walnuts. When it comes to using l-cysteine supplements, it’s recommended to purchase the ones which offer better bioavailability. The dosages range from 200 to 500 mg, but you should talk to your physician to know what dosage you should take. It’s always better to take supplements in the instance that you aren’t getting the required nutrition from your food – not the other way around.

The use of l-cysteine is an effective way to make sure that you are getting the necessary amino acids that you need to make your hair strong and healthy. Protecting your hair from damage is somewhat unrealistic, it’s inevitable that your hair will be exposed to all sorts of things, but you can make it more durable by building its strength through the right nutrition. Simply shampooing your hair doesn’t take care of it, you need to keep in mind how you are taking care of your body by thinking what to eat and what supplements to take to keep your hair looking its best.